Angelica is a shrub-tree-like perennial plant, tall up to 3 meters. The leaves are large and small flowers are organized in umbels at the top of the branches. Their color is yellowish-white. The fruit is in the form of small beads with the same color.
As a medicine, the rhizome is used along with the roots, fruits and flowers.

Angelica has a very pleasant smell and bitter taste. It stimulates the secretion of the stomach and pancreatic liquids, and it also increases the appetite.
It acts as a diuretic, increasing the excretion of urine and sweat.
Angelica is used in catarrh of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, colitis, disturbed stomach.
Angelica is used to treat gall bladder, liver, kidney, respiratory bronchitis, flu, etc., it has a sedative effect and is used for calming down.

Arnica is a perennial plant, tall up to 60 cm. It has a thick rhizome from which a stem comes out with serrated leaves on the sides. On top of the stem there is a pretty flower with yellowish-orange color and weak smell.
Arnica grows on hills and mountain pastures, meadows, forests, it can be found in Slovenia and Croatia.
The flowers are used as medicine.

Arnica is used for treating wounds, burns, hematomas, eczema, ulcers of the lower leg in the form of tincture.
Also, Arnica tea is used to increase blood flow to the heart and blood vessels, for angina pectoris and to improve breathing with heart problems.