Topical treatments for skin warts: ointments and recipes
Numerous healing herbs are effective in treating warts and the most powerful among them all are the garlic, fig and the greater celandine. In this article we will mention other healing herbs useful for treating warts.
Soak a piece of gauze in beer head and apply it on the wart. Repeat this treatment until the wart disappears.
Apply juice of dandelion leaves and flowers on the wart every day. With this treatment it will get darker and after some time it will disappear. You won’t have any scars left. In case you have scars treat them with castor oil every day and night until they disappear.
Apply greater celandine juice on the wart every day. Also, you can treat it with a tincture of greater celandine mixed with honey.
Warts can be cured with garlic juice. Apply fresh garlic juice every day on the infected area.
Boil willow bark in some wine and apply the mixture on the wart.
Wart ointments
Make a mixture of ВЅ kilogram of melting wax and two kilograms of honey and apply the mixture on a bandage with which you will cover the infected area. Do this twice a day.
soak a piece of brown bread in apple cider vinegar and put it on the wart and then cover it with gauze. Repeat this treatment until the wart disappears.
Make poultices of plantain leaves and apply them on the warts.
Common fig milk- pick the common fig fruit from the tree when is green and collect the white liquid the tree discharges on that place and apply it on the wart. Repeat this treatment 15 days.
Use the white juice that dandelion discharges to treat warts. Apply dandelion’s white juice on the wart several times a day.
Treat warts with full-strength vinegar. In a small cup pour two teaspoons of the vinegar and soak a cotton swab in it. Wet the wart with the cotton swab until it becomes white and painful. After half an hour the wart will fall off.
Take one big garlic clove and make a hole as big as the wart is in the middle of the clove. Then, put the clove on the wart and fixate it with a bandage. After eight to ten hours the wart will fall off. Wash the skin where the wart was.
Make fresh garlic juice and onion juice and mix them. Wet the wart several times a day. The wart will fall off in two to three days.
Make an ointment of 30 grams salicylic acid and 30 grams sodium bicarbonate. Use this ointment to treat the wart several times a day and it will disappear in two days.
Wrap the wart with bandage soaked in apple cider vinegar every night.
Wet the wart with fresh tomato stem juice.