Bath :

just one warm bath with yarrow liquid can ease the abdominal pain caused of ovarian inflammation. For better results you should practice warm yarrow baths three times a week. In 5 liters of water add 100 gr of yarrow leaves and flowers and let them soak for 12 hours. Then,strain and warm the liquid and add it in the water in your tub. Make sure that the water in the tub covers your chests. The bath should last for 20 minutes and then the woman should put on a bathrobe and take a rest in a warm room for one hour in order to sweat.

Poultice :

you can apply horsetail poultices. It helps in easing severe pain. Put two handfuls of the herb on steam in a stainless steel bowl with boiling water. Then, put the warm herb on a linen towel and apply it on the painful area. Cover the towel with a plastic bag and fixate it with a scarf. Remove the poultice after two hours. You can use the same herb for two more poultices, simply put it on steam to warm it and use it again.

Mixed tea :

mix 300 gr of calendula and 300 gr of yarrow. In 2 liters of water add 8 spoons of the mixture and let it soak for 5 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink 1.5 to 2 liters of the tea a day. The tea should be consumed in small amounts, for example 50-100 ml of the tea 30 minutes before meals and between meals as well.
Swedish bitter- consume 3 spoons a day. Also, you can add a spoon of Swedish bitter in ВЅ cup of mixed tea and drink it 30 minutes before eating.

Calendula ointment :

in 250 gr of lard add 2 handfuls of calendula flowers and leaves and cook for 3 minutes on low heat. Then, leave the mixture during the night and strain it the next morning. Keep the ointment in the fridge.
For treating vaginal discharge: drink yarrow tea for six weeks. Drink two cups of yarrow tea a day. The results are amazing.

Balkan phytotherapy

Regardless which tea you are using, massage your abdominal area with hot olive oil and then relax in a warm place. Instead of olive oil you can use rakia. After the massage with rakia apply lard on the painful area and cover it with warm towel. When it comes to genital hygiene use warm water and wear cotton underwear.