The increased arterial pressure is not uncommon nowadays. The occurrence for such diseases are responsible frequent…
To purify the blood naturally
Use nettle tea - a tablespoon of leaves covered with Вј liters of boiling water, or…
Does salep increase potential? Even today a lot of people depend on salep for strength, especially…
Medicinal herbs against intestinal diseases curly dock, sorrel, field greens
These plants are used as vegetables, spices and for medicinal teas. They contain potassium oxalate and…
Infections of the urinary tract
Wine, ivy and southernwood Use: To make the ejection of the kidney or bladder rocks easier…
Osteoarthritis and several recipes for healing it
The disease affects the bigger bones to which it ruins the bone structure, joints and the…
Healing herbs for urinary disorders with blue spruce
From blue juniper Preparation: In a pot put 750 ml of water and 1 spoon of…
How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home
In medicine there are a lot of different names for them: cysts, expanding of the veins…
This disease is based on a diet and the use of water. The way of treating…
Varicose veins and thrombosis
Inflammation and thrombosis of the veins, clinically cannot be separated from one another. They’re described with…
Green pharmacy for hypothyroidism
Besides the medicine the doctor recommended for you, you might dabble into other means of healing.…
Green pharmacy for hyperthyreosis
If you have symptoms tied to Graves' disease, consult a doctor, take the prescribed medicine, but…